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Methods to recycle your garbage:

Before the garbage is taken to the incineration plants, home and business owners filter waste: organic matter is separated, paper is thrown into recycling bins and any object that can be salvaged and reused is separated. Swedish law indicates that producers are responsible for all costs related to the collection and recycling or disposal of their products. Thus, if a beverage company sells soda bottles in stores, the financial responsibility of picking up and recycling or disposing of bottles falls on them. But in addition to incinerating their garbage, the inhabitants of the Scandinavian country apply eight other brilliant ways to recycle:

1. Leftover medicines:

Instead of throwing the pill bottles to the garbage dump or storing them for years in the bathroom cabinets, 43% of people return the remains of their medicines to pharmacists. An important pharmacy sent 378 tons of waste collected by people or the pharmacy itself to be incinerated in a safe combustion. "To reduce the environmental impact, customers are advised on how to use the medicines correctly, reducing the amount of them being discarded,"

2. Discounts for used clothing:

Last year the well-known brand H & M launched a global campaign that allowed customers to exchange their used clothing for discounts at the store. For each bag full of clothes already used, H & M gave customers a discount of $ 7.80 dollars on purchases that cost at least $ 52 dollars. The company then used donations to produce eco-friendly clothing collections.

3. Music for your ears:

The public dumpsters have loudspeakers that play music to make recycling a more pleasurable experience.

4. Everything in its place:

Everyone orders their trash. Households separate their newspapers, plastics, metal, glass, batteries, bulbs and cardboard. For larger items that are harder to pick up like furniture or electronic gadgets, people usually go to the special recycling centers that are out of the cities.

5. Conscious consumers:

Inhabitants had purchased at least one eco-labeled product in the previous month,and the Americans? Not so much ... According to a recent study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, consumers in the United States are less likely to buy products labeled "green". "If a company intentionally made a better product for the environment," the authors wrote, "people believe that the quality of the product should have deteriorated as the company diverted quality resources."

6. Even garbage trucks use clean energy:

The vehicles run on biodiesel and biogas. "Less noise and fewer emissions also create better working conditions for our operators," In addition, the implementation of these trucks showed that with less noise, the driver could pay more attention to traffic.

7. Artists committed to the environment:

The singers who play songs about the environment; recycling organization lists renowned singers to record songs and appear on a screen in televised commercials that incite the public to return used bottles to stores and warehouses.

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